HR Consulting

Brain Injury Care Services

Ammachyque Healthcare provides experienced and flexible care for people dealing with the effects of brain injury. We offer rehabilitation and social support services.

We aim to help you regain your purpose and become as independent as possible, to maximize the independence, personal empowerment, and community participation of people with physical disabilities.

A brain injury does not just affect an individual, it can transform the lives of entire families, leaving them to cope with significant changes. Even minor brain injuries can have a major impact on a person’s personality and functional and cognitive abilities. The Ammachyque Healthcare provide can involve support with physical, cognitive and emotional needs:

At Ammachyque Healthcare, we believe that communication is key. Sharing feelings helps people to cope with the situation and that is why Ammachyque Healthcare involve whole families in the assessment and care planning for people with Acquired or Traumatic Brain Injury. We will work closely with you, those close to you and other healthcare professionals as required, to develop a care and support plan specific to your needs, to promote your individual wellbeing and assist you with building or maintaining interests and your social life.


Fatigue management, mobility assistance, airway management, working with multi-disciplinary team professionals such as speech and language therapists, occupational therapist and physiotherapists.


Assisting with cognitive activities, problem solving and motivation..

Emotional and Behavioural

Managing depression, anxiety, disinhibition, impulsiveness, frustration and anger or mood swings.

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